Government confirms consultation for Arms Act amendments

The number of individuals convicted on firearms-related offences went up by 18% in 2023 compared to 2019

Government confirms consultation for Arms Act amendments

The government has confirmed that it will conduct consultations with New Zealanders in relation to Arms Act amendments.

“The Coalition Government is also committed to rewriting the Arms Act to increase public safety. We will be consulting New Zealanders on any changes”, Associate Justice Minister Nicole McKee said. “The Coalition Government has done initial, focused consultation with several stakeholder groups representing a cross-section of New Zealand society, including both firearms owning and non-firearms owning groups. This consultation is in addition to a select committee process, which will allow every New Zealander the chance to have their say.”

She explained that the government was boosting Firearms Prohibition Orders to “give Police greater powers to search gang members and violent offenders for illegal firearms”.

“Despite two law changes, and two expensive rounds of firearms confiscations, New Zealanders are no safer – despite promises they would be. More people were convicted of a firearm-related offence in 2023 than in 2019 – up 18% – and almost 2,000 gang members were charged with the unlawful possession of firearms over the same period”, McKee said. “The number of illegally held firearms seized by Police each year, and the number of gang members charged with the illegal possession of firearms, has barely moved since 2019”.

She said that the Coalition government would be zeroing in on criminals and gangs, which she described as “the real perpetrators of firearms crime”.

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