The list provides a snapshot of the best and brightest currently in the NZ legal profession
The full list of finalists for the NZ Law Awards has been revealed.
The selection of firms, in-house teams and individuals highlights excellence in the legal profession at present. These finalists are to be congratulated for their outstanding achievements, innovation and leadership over the past year.
The deal awards finalists are as follows:
Debt Market Deal of the Year
Acquisition financing of Vodafone New Zealand
Argosy Green Bonds issuance
Kāinga Ora – Housing New Zealand Wellbeing bonds
LGFA syndicated bond offers
Equity Market Deal of the Year
Infratil institutional placement and AREO
Kathmandu AREO
Napier Port IPO
Oceania Healthcare Holdings underwritten block trade
Serko capital raise
Insolvency and Restructuring Deal of the Year
Liquidation of Exss (formerly StretchSense)
Receivership of Ebert Construction retention fund
M&A Deal of the Year
Acquisition by Inner Mongolia Yili Group of Westland Co-operative Dairy Company
Apax takeover of Trade Me
Macquarie acquisition of long-term concession to operate SKYCITY carparks
Sale of Fonterra’s Tip Top ice-cream business
Sale of Hikurangi Forest Farms to New Forests
Vodafone New Zealand acquisition
Mid-market Deal of the Year
Auckland Council green bonds issuance
Capital Group acquisition of First Mortgage Managers
GWA Group acquisition of Methven
Sale of Cin7
Sale of New Zealand Frost Fans
Spark New Zealand - New Zealand cricket rights
Synlait acquisition of Dairyworks
Project Finance Deal of the Year
City Rail Link
Southern Cross Cable
Waipipi Wind Farm
The in-house awards finalists are as follows:
Young In-house Lawyer of the Year (35 or under)
In-house Lawyer of the Year
Russell McVeagh In-House Team of the Year
Simpson Grierson Financial Services In-House Team of the Year
The firm awards finalists are as follows:
Deal Team of the Year (<100 lawyers)
NZ Lawyer Deal Team of the Year (>100 lawyers)
Niche Consulting Group Limited Employment Law Specialist Firm of the Year
Litigation & Dispute Resolution Specialist Law Firm of the Year
Western Union Business Solution Intellectual Property Specialist Law Firm of the Year
Property & Construction Specialist Law Firm of the Year
Insurance Specialist Law Firm of the Year
Boutique Law Firm of the Year
Artemis Executive Recruitment Employer of Choice (<50 lawyers)
Artemis Executive Recruitment Employer of Choice (51-100 lawyers)
Artemis Executive Recruitment Employer of Choice (>100 lawyers)
Resolution Institute Mediator of the Year
Young Private Practice Lawyer of the Year (35 or under)
Managing Partner of the Year (≤100 lawyers)
Managing Partner of the Year (>100 lawyers)
Regional/Suburban Law Firm of the Year
Mid-size Law Firm of the Year
Large Law Firm of the Year
The winners will be revealed during the black-tie gala on 12 November at the Cordis Auckland, where the legal profession’s best and brightest will gather to celebrate each other’s efforts.
For table reservations and more event details, visit or contact the team.
NZ Lawyer would like to thank their readers as well as award sponsors Western Union Business Solutions, Artemis Executive Recruitment, Russell McVeagh, Simpson Grierson, Niche Consulting Group Limited, and Resolution Institute for supporting excellence in the profession.