Firm announces measures it is taking as Auckland joins the rest of NZ in Alert Level 1
With Auckland joining the rest of the country in Alert Level 1, Russell McVeagh has outlined the actions it will be taking as the COVID-19 situation “continues to unfold.”
“We are committed to doing everything we can to prioritise the wellbeing of our people, clients and communities as we navigate the unprecedented situation of COVID-19,” the firm said in a statement. “In Alert Level 1, the large majority of our team members are working based back in our offices while we observe all Government guidelines, including around contact tracing and hygiene practices. We are well set up to move to working completely remotely again if needed in future.”
Further measures announced by the firm include:
“We are closely following the Government's announcements and a number of additional safety measures will be in place for some time and will be reassessed as we receive further guidance,” the firm said. “We know it is a challenging time for many, so from all of us here we send our thoughts to you, your teams, loved ones and whānau. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch with your usual contact and let us know if we can be of further assistance to you.”