Under the five-year agreement, estimated pharmacy remuneration comes to a total of $26.5bn
Maddocks has guided the Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care in relation to the Eighth Community Pharmacy Agreement (8CPA), which aims to maintain Australian patients' access to affordable medicines and quality healthcare through the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme.
The five-year agreement, which was inked on Monday between the Albanese government and the Pharmacy Guild of Australia, includes measures for the subsidised supply of medicines. For instance, $2.1bn in added funding has been allocated for a new Additional Community Supply Support Payment to community pharmacies and $1.35bn for community pharmacy programs.
Estimated pharmacy remuneration under the 8CPA comes to a total of $26.5bn. The agreement will be implemented on 1 July.
Partner Andrew Whiteside headed up the Maddocks team on the transaction. He received support from special counsel Paul Ellis, senior associate Rafael Perez, and lawyers Matthew D’Angelo and Daniel Vaughan.