
Adrienne Trumbull wants a workplace that lets individuals shine as their whole selves

Adrienne Trumbull wants a workplace that lets individuals shine as their whole selves

The Hive Legal principal says the profession needs a "workable" day to day

Adrienne Trumbull on the 'last-minute' business trip that taught her a lot as a lawyer

Adrienne Trumbull on the 'last-minute' business trip that taught her a lot as a lawyer

The Hive Legal principal was initially going to go into human resources or marketing

James Tannock prefers facial recognition software to password logins

James Tannock prefers facial recognition software to password logins

The Kain Lawyers director touches on the privilege lawyers have and why giving back is important

James Tannock loves the mix of interpersonal interactions with quiet work in law

James Tannock loves the mix of interpersonal interactions with quiet work in law

The Kain Lawyers director also talks the fulfilling experience of being a full-time dad for a while

A careers aptitude test suggested that Jeremy Snow should be a ferry boat captain

A careers aptitude test suggested that Jeremy Snow should be a ferry boat captain

The CIE Legal partner chose to ignore that and make a strong career out of law instead

Aimee Pomogacs is all about maintaining balance

Aimee Pomogacs is all about maintaining balance

The 2024 Elite Woman discusses why commercial skills should be developed at the junior level