Additional funding for law and justice measures included in state’s 2019-20 budget
The Law Society of New South Wales (NSW) has welcomed the additional funding for law and justice measures announced in the state’s 2019-20 budget.
The budget allocated $9 million to refurbish and upgrade the Queanbeyan Court House, as well as funding to upgrade and refurbish court houses at Orange ($1.2 million), Bathurst ($1 million), and Griffith ($1.2 million). The NSW government also committed $3.3 million to establish the world’s first dedicated residential trauma centre for children who have lost a loved one to homicide.
“The Law Society is pleased to see the NSW government’s commitment to ensure that court facilities meet the needs of the community, particularly in regional and rural areas,” said Elizabeth Espinosa, president of the Law Society of NSW. “We [also] welcome the attorney general’s commitment to providing a safe and supportive environment for those young children who have to deal with the long-lasting trauma of losing a family member to homicide. A dedicated residential unit will play an important role in their recovery, and I hope this concept will be expanded to other areas of the state.”
Espinosa also expressed gratitude to the NSW government for providing $13.9 million over four years to establish an Ageing and Disability Commissioner. “The Law Society of NSW has been advocating strongly for measures that will safeguard the rights and wellbeing of older people and people with disabilities,” she said.