Gilbert + Tobin has promoted 12 lawyers to senior positions in the firm, with six inducted to the partnership and six promoted to special counsel.
Effective 1 July, Elizabeth Hill, Alex Kauye, Peter Reeves, David Kirkland, Adela Smith, and Sam Nickless join the top firm’s partnership. Promoted to special counsel are Rachel Jones, Geoff Petersen, Adam Musgrave, Melissa Fai, Andrew Hii, and Albert Yuen.
Hill, Kauye, and Reeves are part of the firm’s corporate advisory practice. Hill is a specialist in corporate transactions with particular expertise in domestic and cross-border mergers and acquisitions and private equity transactions. Kauye, who also specialises in corporate transactions, focuses on high-profile complex deals.
Reeves, who is an expert in financial services and fund management, leads Gilbert + Tobin’s FinTech practice.
Kirkland and Smith are part of the firm’s banking and infrastructure practice. Kirkland has a particular focus on acquisition financing and acts for sponsors, borrowers, and lenders in a range of banking and infrastructure matters. Smith, who specialises in leveraged acquisition transactions, infrastructure, and project financing, acts for sponsors, borrowers, and lenders.
Nickless is the firm’s chief operating officer. He leads the firm’s operational functions and works with the partnership overseeing the strategic direction of the firm. He is also focused on innovation and technology and client collaboration in these areas.
Elizabeth Hill