Corrs Chambers Westgarth

Corrs Chambers Westgarth
Australia’s Employer of Choice 2019

Corrs Chambers Westgrath has introduced a range of initiatives designed to help its people balance their lives, including: The introduction of an extra five days of paid leave to all employees each financial year, bringing the total paid annual leave for employees to five weeks. The extra week’s leave gives its staff the opportunity to achieve greater balance in their lives and help them to recharge (which, in turn, promotes a healthier workforce).

Its ‘Flexibility@Corrs’ program aims to make flexible working standard business practice for all its employees. Managing flexibility training is provided for all people managers (along with practical guides and case studies), and training sessions are held for everyone on how to effectively use technology to work flexibly. Flexibility panel events are held in each office to promote open conversations about flexible working (and to debunk any myths).

Following a successful pilot in its Melbourne office, onsite school holiday care programs will be held in each office in January 2020. The program (run by an accredited child care provider) provides a supervised holiday program for children aged five to 12 and is subsidised by Corrs. Care locator service – an external, confidential information and resource service will also be available to all employees to assist with locating any type of dependent care e.g. child care, elder care, disability care.