Verity White, Legal Counsel & Automation Coach, Telstra

Verity White, Legal Counsel & Automation Coach, Telstra
In-house Leaders 2019

White is a specialist in small business transformation, guiding clients through a tumultuous period of change in the market. Her impact at Telstra involves the launch of an online intake decision tree tool, eAdvisor, designed to triage legal work and offer self-help tools within the consumer and small business legal team. White’s also worked hard to facilitate automation and digital thinking training as crucial future skills for lawyers within the organisation. To ensure a ground-level understanding of key risks involving transformation and content of agreements, she’s developed and facilitated interactive training sessions for internal team members. These included a gamified session about the new agreement with segments like ‘“Dude.... Where’s my clause?” to encourage the business to see how easy it is to navigate the contract and have high level overview sessions on key risks when working with external partners. White loves being part of the legal in-house and innovation community, and has launched the first season of a legal podcast, “Checklist Legal” as a result of this passion.