McCullough Robertson has continued to develop and implement innovation strategies to enhance clients’ experience and improve employees’ productivity and engagement.
In order to develop a culture where its people are encouraged to think differently and continuously innovate, McCullough Robertson actively pursues a number of innovations, including:
- ChangeMakers program, an innovative, year-long program aimed at junior lawyers that empowers participants to use practical tools to identify business programs and brainstorm innovative solutions;
- Our Client Matters, an interactive portal that supports the delivery of great client experience, collating all information about, and promises made to, clients, such as value adds offered in tenders and client requirements about billing and reporting;
- a range of tools and training for senior members of the business services team and senior leaders group so they can tackle the single biggest concern for clients about their law firm providers – bill shock; and
- Legal Practice Management, a program to build effective project management capability across the firm.