Danielle Eliatamby, Herbert Smith Freehills

Danielle Eliatamby, Herbert Smith Freehills
Rising Stars 2020

Company: Herbert Smith Freehills
Title: Solicitor
Age: 27

Danielle Eliatamby has been dubbed a ‘rising star’ of the legal industry due to her unique combination of technical skill, commercial savvy, and leadership both within her firm and in the profession more broadly. Working in Herbert Smith Freehill’s (HSF) corporate group, Eliatamby is trusted by clients at all levels in their organisations and is frequently the primary client contact. Senior members of HSF’s corporate team rely on her to effectively manage complex work streams and, in some cases, whole matters independently. Despite her relatively few years in practice, she’s already taken a pivotal role in several market leading M&A and equity capital markets transactions. In addition to a busy practice of corporate clients, Eliatamby has taken a leading role in many pro bono matters, including advising CareerSeekers and CareerTrackers on partnership agreements, guaranteeing young indigenous and refugee students internships with some of Australia’s largest companies; and advising clients of the Shopfront Youth Legal Centre on victims compensation claims, enabling victims of violence to receive valuable recognition payments. She also couples her dedication to excellent client service with a fierce commitment to fostering a diverse and inclusive legal profession in her capacity as co-chair of HSF Sydney’s LGBT+ network.