Company: MinterEllison
Title: Associate
Age: 28
Natasha Simonds ‘exemplifies’ MinterEllison’s purpose to create lasting impacts with its clients, its people and its communities. She is an associate specialising in competition and consumer law with a focus on the health and automotive industries. Simonds manages legal sign off for the marketing portfolio of a major private health insurer including being the direct contact for over 15 marketing staff. She has never missed a deadline (often urgent). She reviews national TV commercials, radio ads, websites and social media advertising and requires little supervision. Marketing reviews in health can require consideration of compliance with overlapping laws such as the Australian Consumer Law, health and TGA regulation, and health practitioner advertising restrictions. In this role, Simonds shows remarkable judgment and project management and organisation skills. She has also established herself as an automotive specialist, assisting with compliance with the consumer guarantees regime and product safety recalls. She is an inaugural member of the MinterEllison Women Inclusion Support Equality Committee; she has been appointed as a volunteer lawyer on the Monash Health Human Research Ethics Committee; and works as a pro bono lawyer for Justice Connect Homeless Law.