A lawyer, fed up waiting for the birth of his daughter, has taken a novel approach to speeding the delivery along.
A Washington real estate attorney has issued his unborn daughter with a written notice of eviction.
Jake Kempton drafted the notice – titled “notice to quit premises” - after daughter Pepper was eight days past her due date, according to Legal Cheek.
The document demanded that Pepper vacate Kempton’s wife’s tummy within 12 hours, explaining that the unborn baby is occupying the premises illegally and that “judicial proceedings” will follow if she fails to leave the womb.
The notice is written on the official headed paper of Jake Kempton’s Washington-based firm Kempton Legal and signed by the lawyer’s wife, Ellisha Kempton, in her capacity as owner/landlord of the property.
And, surprisingly, Pepper listened – vacating the womb only three hours after the notice was served.
The DC lawyer confirmed to Above the Law that both landlord and evictee are doing well.
“If I could figure out a way to ethically market a ‘baby eviction’ service, I would probably be able to put my kids through college and retire early,” he said.