KWM advises Transport for NSW on Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2 early works

Firm's deal team includes Chris Mitchell, Larissa Buriak, Tristan Howes, Travis Irons, Dan Canta

KWM advises Transport for NSW on Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2 early works

King & Wood Mallesons (KWM) announced that it has advised Transport for NSW in connection with the enabling works for Parramatta Light Rail 2.

This will be the first bridge over the Parramatta River in around four decades, according to KWM’s media release. The completion of Ryde Bridge was about 40 years ago.

The KWM deal team included Chris Mitchell and Larissa Buriak, Sydney-based partners. Tristan Howes, special counsel; Travis Irons, senior associate; and Dan Canta, solicitor, provided support. They are also based in Sydney.

Mitchell advises on real estate, construction, and infrastructure transactions. He has experience in both public and private property and infrastructure development, including major transport infrastructure projects, PPP projects, large-scale residential developments, urban redevelopment programs, alliancing contracting, facilities management, and joint ventures.

Buriak has international and domestic experience in the development, construction, and procurement of large-scale infrastructure and property development projects. She has focused on rail and road infrastructure, energy infrastructure, and commercial developments. She has adopted commercial approaches to advising clients, drafting and negotiating documents, and evaluating the commercial outcomes of deals.

‘A transformative project’

Australia’s transport minister recently announced the award of a $322m contract to John Holland Pty Ltd, which will deliver the project’s first part, namely the construction of the first 1.3-kilometres of new light rail alignment, including a 320-metre bridge over the Parramatta River.

The bridge will connect the Melrose Park and Wentworth Point communities, which are north and south of the river, according to the transport minister’s news release.

Design and early works are scheduled to start this year, while major construction of the bridge is expected to begin next year, added the transport minister’s news release. The work will also involve upgrades to public spaces in the vicinity, such as Archer Park.

“KWM is thrilled to have continued to work with TfNSW on Parramatta Light Rail and on this first component of the Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2 project,” Buriak said in the firm’s media release. “This is a transformative project for Sydney connecting communities across the Parramatta River.”

Earlier this month, KWM also confirmed that it represented John Laing, global infrastructure investor, in acquiring an additional 62.5-percent stake in the Sydney Light Rail Public Private Partnership (PPP). This addition has raised its total equity commitment in the partnership to 95 percent. Allens acted for the seller, Aware Super, in this transaction.

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