Angie Coleman, Springfield City Group

Angie Coleman, Springfield City Group
In-House Leaders 2020

general counsel and company secretary

Angie Coleman has made a number of achievements in 2019/2020, both personal and for Springfield City Group as a whole, despite a spate of challenges, including bushfires, COVID-19, and a recession.

Under Coleman’s leadership, Springfield’s legal team was busier than ever while working from home during the COVID-19 crisis. They introduced a new legal intranet platform and an electronic signing to the company, as well as explored new and interesting ways to stay engaged using various online platforms and reporting tools. The disruption in workflows also didn’t stop Coleman from clinching a major sale (and associated development agreement) with a large hospital, and the sub-leasing of a major part of one of the group’s commercial building to a call centre operator for the ATO. She was also involved in the commencement of a number of key infrastructure projects in Queensland, including a $15m infrastructure program to build roads and sewers and realign boundaries of large land parcels for a $5 billion apartment, and the works around the Lions Stadium.