A Florida attorney has posted and advertisement for the sale of his law degree on classifieds site, Craigslist.
A Florida attorney has taken to Craigslist to try to flog his law degree to pay off his student loan, trying to recover his entire educational investment of $210,000.
“Genuine law degree for sale,” the post read.
“I’d like to get what I paid for it, but feel free to make me an offer. I’m selling my Juris Doctor because I don’t use it and I’m trying to work my way out of debt slavery.”
The colourful poster even added a compelling sales pitch, saying purchasing the degree would be a great opportunity to impress friends without the hassle of attending three years of lectures.
“Anyone with a taste for adventure could even change their name to match the name on the diploma,” the ad continued.
The poster added that a picture of the degree would be available upon request, presumably to confirm that the degree is genuine and even includes this disclaimer:
“Please note that the diploma is genuine, however this sale does not include admission to any state bar or a license to practice law.”
According to Above the Law, lawyers have previously tried such stunts but with much lower asking prices, possible when job prospects were stronger and before law degrees were cheaper.